Guide for Authors

Agrotechniques in Industrial Crops is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research. Please see the journal's Aims & Scope for information about its focus and peer-review policy.

Agrotechniques in Industrial Crop publishes original research papers, and critical reviews covering all areas of industrial crops and products including cultivation, crop improvement, crop compounds, processing, and integrated chain control, all focusing on the exploitation of crops for industrial use. Submitted manuscripts should provide new facts or confirmatory data. Authors should kindly note that submission implies that the content has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere except as a brief abstract in the proceedings of a scientific meeting or symposium. All submissions must be concisely and clearly written in grammatically correct English. Non-English native authors should seek appropriate help from English-writing professionals before submission.

The manuscript should be submitted only via the Agrotechniques in Industrial Crops Editorial System ( All papers are available free of charge at the Journal’s webpage. Colour figures are accepted at no charge for the electronic version.


Cover Letter

Authroship Form

Conflict of Interest

Word Template

Title Page


General information for preparing a manuscript 

All text should be written in a concise and integrated way, by focusing on major points, findings, breakthroughs or discoveries, and their broad significance. All running text should be in a Word file format with Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing with all margins 2.5 cm on all sides. Figures and tables can be placed within or at the bottom of the text. Figures should be of sufficient resolution to enable refereeing.


Suggest Reviewers

Please suggest at least three potential reviewers for this submission. Use the fields below to give us contact information for each suggested reviewer. Please note that the journal may not use your suggestions, but your help is appreciated and may speed up the selection of appropriate reviewers.


Original article

The original research articles should contain the following sections:


The title should be unambiguous, understandable to specialists in other fields, and must reflect the contents of the paper. No abbreviations may be used in the title.


Name(s) of the author (s) with affiliations footnoted added only to the system, not visible in the manuscript (Double Blind Reviews). The names of the authors should be given in the following order: first name, second name initial, surname. Affiliations should contain the name of institution, faculty, department, street, city, and country.          All authors should provide an ORCID iD in order to recognize their activity and affiliation information. (An ORCID iD is unique digital identifier used to disambiguate researchers from another without publication charge)


Information given in the title does not need to be repeated in the abstract. The abstract should be no longer than 300 words. It must contain the aim of the study, methods, results and conclusions. If used, abbreviations should be limited and must be explained when first used.


Provide a maximum of 7, which cover the most specific terms found in the paper. They should describe the subject and results and must differ from words used in the title.


A brief review of relevant research (with references to the most important and recent publications) should lead to the clear formulation of the working hypothesis and aim of the study. It is recommended to indicate what is novel and important in the study.

Materials and Methods 

In this section the description of experimental procedures should be sufficient to allow replication. Organisms must be identified by scientific name, including authors. The International System of Units (SI) and their abbreviations should be used. Methods of statistical processing, including the software used, should also be listed in this section.

Results and Discussion

The results should be presented clearly and concisely without deducting. Graphs should be preferred over tables to express quantitative data. The discussion should contain an interpretation of the results (without unnecessary repetition) and explain the influence of experimental factors or methods. It should describe how the results and their interpretation relate to the scientific hypothesis and/or aim of the study. The discussion should take into account the current state of knowledge and up-to-date literature. It should highlight the significance and novelty of the paper. It may also point to the next steps that will lead to a better understanding of the matters in question.


Table 1. Some chemical characteristics of the usedorganic manures


Figure 1. Variation of the crop coefficient (Kc) for soybeans during growing season.



All Excel charts should be editable and should not be sent as photos

Picture resolution= 300 dpi

If your pictures are not based on your research you have to cite the reference that you used


4. Conclusion

The authors need to write an article's conclusion about two to three lines.



Authors should write full words or phrases, abbreviated in the article text, in this section

Conflict of interest

All authors have to declare their conflict of interest.

Consent for publications

All authors have to write this sentence that they read and approved the final manuscript for publication.

Availability of data and material

The authors have to declare that they embedded all data in the manuscript.

Authors' contributions

All authors should write their part in designing the idea, doing, analyzing and writing the article.


Authors should mention the company, institution or organization that paid for the research

Ethics approval and consent to participate:

The authors have to declare that they do not use human or animals in their research but if they used, they have to write name of the ethics committee that has approved the study of enter the code of research ethics (provided by the institution or university where the research was conducted) in the article.


Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.



Highlights are three to five short sentences that represents the novel results of your article as well as new methods if you have used during the study. No needs to include all concepts, impressions and conclusions as highlights. It has to be about 80 characters or fewer including spaces. Example from: Journal of Molecular LiquidsVolume 334, 15 July 2021, 116075

  • Sunitinib malate was loaded in the chitosan/gum tragacanth coated SLNs.
  • Coating with biopolymers slows drug release significantly.
  • Biopolymer coated SLNs have higher cytotoxicity against THP-1 cells.
  • The interaction between lipid and drug was explored with computational study.
  • Biopolymers and lipids have a suitable interaction.

Graphical Abstract

Authors are required to prepare a graphical abstract after accepting the article.



In the text, papers with more than two authors should be cited by the last name of the first author, followed by et al., (in italics), space, and the year of publication (example: Smith et al., 2012). If the cited manuscript has two authors, the citation should include both last names, space, and the publication year (example: Marconi and Johnston, 2006).
In the Reference section, a maximum of ten authors of the cited paper may be given. All references cited in the text must be listed in the Reference section alphabetically by the last names of the author(s) and then chronologically. The year of publication follows the authors’ names. All titles of the cited articles should be given in English. Please limit the citation of papers published in languages other than English. If necessary translate the title into English and provide information concerning the original language in brackets (e.g. in Persian).
The list of references should only include works from the last ten years that have had the greatest impact on the subject. Older references can be cited only if they are important for manuscript content.


EndNote File of The ATIC

The following system for arranging references should be used:
Journal articles
Plaza E.H., Kozak M., Navarrete L., González-Andújar J.L. 2011. Tillage system did not affect weed diversity in a 23-year experiment in Mediterranean dryland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 140 (1-2): 102-105.


Online articles
Turner E., Jacobson D.J., Taylor J.W. 2011. Genetic architecture of a reinforced, postmating, reproductive isolation barrier between Neurospora species indicates evolution via natural selection. PLoS Genetics 7 (8): e1002204.

Radosevich S.R., Holt J.S., Ghersa C. 1997. Weed ecology: implications for management. John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA. 589 pp.

Book chapters
Altieri M.A. 1999. The ecological role of biodiversity in agroecosystems. In: Paoletti, M.G. (Ed.), Invertebrate Biodiversity as Bioindicators of Sustainable Landscapes. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 19-31 pp.

The conference, Workshop, Symposium Proceedings
Adamczewski K., Wagner J., Kierzek R. 2010. The quantification of the target-side resistance to mesosulfuron/iodosulfuron in a black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides Huds.) biotype with Pro197-to-His mutation from a winter wheat field in Poland using pot test and Petri dish assay. p. 24. In: Proceedings of the 15th European Weed Research Society Symposium. 12–15 June 2010, Kaposvár, Hungary, 337 pp.

Online documents
Cartwright J. 2007. Big stars have weather too. IOP Publishing PhysicsWeb. Available on: [Accessed on: 7 January 2007]


Review articles are invited by the editors. Unsolicited reviews are also considered. The length is limited to 5000 words with no limitations on figures and tables and a maximum of 150 references.
Mini-Review articles should be dedicated to "hot" topics and limited to 3000 words and a maximum of two figures, two tables and 20 references.