Camelina Zoning for Different Climate Conditions in Kurdistan Province

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Engineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Medicinal-oil plant Camelina is a plant that has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. Because its most important advantage is excellent resistance to drought and cold as well. Therefore, in this study, in order to determine the best cultivation areas of Camelina in Kurdistan province based on a number of main parameters affecting the growth of this plant, statistics and daily meteorological information for 19 years in different meteorological stations of the province from 2000 to 2019 were used. Statistics and information from14 stations in neighboring provinces were also used to increase the accuracy of the created zoning maps. To create a spatial database for the study area, the required maps were entered into the ArcGIS 10.3 software and environment and descriptive map information was added to them. Finally, based on the requirements for each of the parameters, the classification of the maps was done according to the resources used. Krigink's method was used to prepare temperature, precipitation and altitude maps. The final results showed that for Camelina cultivation, in 26259 and 7059 square kilometers, equal to 75 and 25% of the total area of the province was suitable and unsuitable respectively. In addition, Camelina susceptible areas were often located in the southern parts of the province.

Graphical Abstract

Camelina Zoning for Different Climate Conditions in Kurdistan Province


  • The study is under the title of Camelina zoning for different climate conditions in Kurdistan province.
  • Daily meteorological information for 19 years in different meteorological stations of the province from 2000 to 2019 was used.
  • Krigink's method was used to prepare temperature, precipitation, and altitude maps.
  • For Camelina cultivation, in 26259 and 7059 square kilometers, equal to 75 and 25% of the total area of ​​the province was suitable and unsuitable respectively.


Main Subjects

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